Cats show November 26, 2017
November 26,2017 I,and Tara Kates AKIS*LT visited the International cats show KLK "Astra"
Tara Kates Akis*lt: CAC ex1,WCF ring adult 1th from 30 cats
Video from International Cats Show
November 11-12,2017 I,Rich Copper Ultramarine and Tara Kates AKIS*LT visited the International cats show KLK "Fauna"
Rich Copper Ultramarine: СAC CAC ex1, WCF ring adult 7th from 25 cats, close title CH(Champion), Show short hair Best opposite sex , Best in Show 2rd place
Tara Kates Akis*lt: CAC CAC ex1,WCF ring adult 8th from 25 cats
Video from International Cats Show
July 15-16, 2017 I, Lord and Tara visited the International cats show KLK "Fauna"
Lord: СAGCIB CAGCIB ex1, WCF ring adult 10th from 36 cats, close title Grand Inter Champion
Tara: СACJ CACJ ex 1, WCF ring Junuor 4-th (30 cats), WCF ring Junior 6-th (26 cats), Olimpic reserve Show 4-th (18 cats), 2 Nom Bis, Best In Show Junior