Cats show November 26, 2017

November 26,2017 I,and Tara Kates AKIS*LT visited the International cats show KLK "Astra"

Tara Kates Akis*ltCAC ex1,WCF ring adult 1th from 30 cats

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Video from International Cats Show

November 11-12,2017 I,Rich Copper Ultramarine and Tara Kates AKIS*LT visited the International cats show KLK "Fauna"

Rich Copper Ultramarine: СAC CAC ex1WCF ring adult 7th from 25 cats, close title  CH(Champion), Show short hair Best opposite sex , Best in Show 2rd place

Tara Kates Akis*ltCAC CAC ex1,WCF ring adult 8th from 25 cats

                         2017 11 11 1 2017 11 11 2

                                                    2017 11 11 3 2017 11 11 4

Video from International Cats Show


July 15-16, 2017 I, Lord and Tara visited the International cats show KLK "Fauna"

Lord: СAGCIB CAGCIB ex1, WCF ring adult 10th from 36 cats, close title Grand Inter Champion

Tara:  СACJ CACJ ex 1, WCF ring Junuor 4-th (30 cats), WCF ring Junior 6-th (26 cats), Olimpic reserve Show  4-th (18 cats), 2 Nom Bis, Best In Show Junior

Video from International Cats Show

About british cats

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The history of the origin of the British Shorthair cat is the symbol and pride of the UK.

These cats started to live there quite a long time ago, but reliable data on the development and establishment of the breed appeared only in the 19th century. Up to this time the history of the British cats is nothing like a beautiful legend, conjecture and assumptions. According to one version they were introduced by Roman Legionnaires 2000 years ago and under another version they arrived with the French sailors in the 14th and 15th centuries and slowly but surely began to populate the island.

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